Body & Birth Ready Method
Body & Birth Ready Packages
We integrate ‘Body Ready Methods’ an innovative method which helps women get their bodies birth ready, hypnobrithing strategies and any physiotherapy that you may need to manage pregnancy related aches and pains and imbalances in the body. We also offer you holistic pregnancy massage and acupuncture for preparing your body for birth.
Body Ready Method® is based on 5 pillars: Upper Body Mobility, Core, Pelvis, Pelvic floor and Movement Patterns.
Incorporating these pillars into your movement during pregnancy can help
- Have a more efficient birth
- Minimize pregnancy aches and pains
- Optimize recovery
- Minimize unnecessary abdominal separation and pelvic floor dysfunction
- Optimize pelvic floor responsiveness
- Work smarter not harder!
As a certified Body Ready Method® Pro…
- I have a deep understanding of how to help you prepare for your desired birth.
- I can help you address and minimize pregnancy related aches and pains.
- I can support you in experiencing a smooth transition into recovery and postpartum.